Help Obtaining Insurence
What you need to know
Just because you receive a non-renewable notice does not mean you will be unable to obtain coverage from another insurance company.
The California Department of Insurance recommends that consumers who receive non-renewal notices do the following:
1) Ask for help from your current insurance agent to see if there are improvements you can make to mitigate your fire risk and maintain your current policy.
2) You may want to consult with a local agent familiar with your area. There are agents who place clients with Surplus Line Insurers and Non-admitted Insurers, who provide total insurance coverage, but possibly at an increased cost.
3) Shop the market. Not all insurance companies have the same eligibility guidelines. The greater the extent of your search, the greater the opportunity to find insurance. Included in one of the websites noted below is a comprehensive list of "admitted insurers".
4) Contact the California Fair Plan at 1-800-339-4099. The Fair Plan was created by the legislature to make property insurance more readily available to people who have difficulty obtaining it from private insurers because their property is considered "high risk". The Plan only covers Fire, and all other coverage must be obtained separately.
The above information was taken in whole or in part from the sites listed below which more thoroughly explain the types of insurers, the use of "admitted insurers" and "non-admitted insurers", etc. Click on the sites to learn more.
California Department of Insurance