Logan Carnell
Position: Director
Email Address: lcarnell@amadorgov.org

I was born in the old Jackson hospital, quite possibly in the very place I sit writing this today in the new county offices. I was raised in Pioneer, Sutter Creek and Jackson, then settled with my wife Desiree in Pine Grove almost thirty years ago after we graduated from Amador High and I completed my military service. We founded and have operated both a local business for twenty-eight years and an international non-profit for twenty while building a family along the way. Our home has never ceased to be here, but our intermittent travels have allowed us to serve in over thirty countries and forty states.We have turned our desire to serve toward home, with my wife and daughter, Mikel, doing social work locally and for me public office. We recognize the importance of preserving Amador County and its peaceful way of life for subsequent generations, as those who came before us did for us. I wish, for my grandchildren and all of yours, the same opportunities that were offered to me.lcarnell@amadorgov.org